Internal audit is an independent, objective assurance and consulting activity designed to add value and improve an organization's operations. Internal audit provides an organization with an independent assessment of its internal control processes and identifies areas where improvements can be made.
- Evaluating the effectiveness of internal controls Internal auditors assess the adequacy and effectiveness of an organization's internal controls to identify weaknesses and recommend improvements.
- Assessing compliance with laws and regulations Internal auditors ensure that the organization follows applicable laws, regulations, and policies.
- Conducting risk assessments Internal auditors analyze risks and potential impacts to identify areas where risks need to be mitigated or managed.
- Providing assurance and advisory services Internal auditors provide independent assurance to management and the board of directors on the effectiveness of internal controls and the reliability of financial and operational information.
- Monitoring corrective actions Internal auditors track the status of corrective actions taken in response to audit findings and recommendations to ensure they are implemented effectively.
Types of Internal Audits
- Compliance Audit
- Internal Financial Audit
- Environmental Audit
- Technology/IT Audit
- Performance Audit
- Operational Audit
- Construction Audit
Internal audit reports are often known for adhering to the 5 C's reporting requirement. A complete, sufficient internal audit often ends with a summary report that communicates answers to the following questions

The benefits of an effective internal audit function include improved risk management, increased efficiency and effectiveness of operations, enhanced compliance with laws and regulations, and improved stakeholder confidence. By providing an independent assessment of an organization's operations, internal audit helps to ensure that the organization operates in a transparent, accountable, and ethical manner.